Thursday, August 02, 2007

Magazines for your health

If you're looking for a little inspiration to help you get back into an exercise or fitness regimen, we've got some quick and easy solutions that might appeal to you. I was perusing KPL's periodical section today, and counted no less than six magazines that focus almost exclusively on health. Add in our several popular culture titles that have regular health-related columns (Woman's Day, Reader's Digest, GQ, AARP, Oprah, etc.) and that makes for a pretty impressive repertoire of health magazines.

Yoga Journal is one of the newest and most popular of our health-oriented titles. It's not so much a weight-loss publication as it is a healthy living one. Our patrons really like this one.

Our other health titles are Prevention, Health, Arthritis, Fitness, and (my personal favorite) Consumer Reports On Health. Only 12-pages long, On Health offers an ad-free alternative to the over-hyped mainstream publications. It's full of useful information and on-target advice.

Like our 80+ other titles for adults, teens and youth, the above magazines (other than the current issue) can be checked out for up to three weeks. Patrons can also put specific issues on hold, or request titles from other libraries.

We're proud of our periodical collection, and we're delighted when people stop in on a regular basis, or even only occasionally, and avail ourselves of our many titles. There are worse ways to cool off on a hot summer afternoon than spending some time in the Kiel Public Library.

- Nanette

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